Icicle Tricycles Canada

[su_button url=”http://www.icicletricycles.ca/” style=”soft” background=”#c32f28″ color=”#ffffff” size=”5″ center=”yes” icon=”https://icetrikes.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/faviconlarge.png”]Icicle Tricycles Canada[/su_button]


person wearing a Canadian flag shirt riding an Icicle tricycles marketing ice cream bike branded for roots through a park in Halifax

Icicle Tricycles has always had a special connection to Canada.  Icicle Tricycle’s legendary humble beginnings began in the Great Snowy North known as Canada… the first pedaling of an Icicle Tricycle took place in Whitehorse, Yukon and the rest is history! We even remember Dickie Dees! Icicle Tricycles Canada is the spot for all things Ice Cream Bike, Cold Brew Coffee Bike, Marketing Bike, Vending Bike, Baker Bikes, Book Bikes, Ice Cream Push Carts, & more in Canada! If you are a Canadian customer we encourage you to reach out to Icicle Tricycles Canada through their website www.icicleTricycles.ca.  All of our products and customization options are available through our Canadian chapter. 

Wedding planner riding a custom cedar wood box ice cream bike in the hills of Halifax

We have been in the commercial cargo and vending Bike business in Canada for years! We have even been mentioned in The Globe and Mail in an article about the resurgence of Dickie Dees! We have made Marketing and Ice Cream Bikes for Roots, Bonne Maman, Royal Canadian Mead, & many other Canadian brands! Icicle Tricycles Ice Cream Bikes are rolling around the ports of Halifax Nova Scotia to the streets of Vancouver British Columbia and everywhere in between! Icicle Tricycles vending carts are coast to coast in Canada! 

Icicle Tricycles Ice Cream Bike is a modern and customizable commercial cargo bike similar to the Dicke Dees bikes from your childhood! Our Canada branch will get your Vending Bike business dreams in the streets. Icicle Tricycles will ship anywhere from the White Horse in the Yukon to Saint John New Brunswick. We ship our modular ice cream bikes all over Canada! Ring that bell and hit the streets no matter where you are! Contact our Icicle Tricycles Canada today and they will happily make your coffee bike business, experiential marketing campaign, or any other commercial cargo bike vending aspirations come true!


[su_button url=”http://www.icicletricycles.ca/” style=”soft” background=”#c32f28″ color=”#ffffff” size=”5″ center=”yes” icon=”https://icetrikes.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/faviconlarge.png”]Icicle Tricycles Canada[/su_button]

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